Blogs » Meet Redcliff’s Leadership Team and Learn Some More About What They’re All About

Meet Redcliff’s Leadership Team and Learn Some More About What They’re All About


Meet our leadership team at GreatWest Kenworth Redcliff! Derick and Thomas are the ones steering the ship, and drive excellence in the heavy-duty truck community in the Redcliff and Medicine Hat community.  We have Derick as our parts manager, and Thomas as the service foreman who is driving our team to growth and success.

I sat down with the guys and asked them about their goals for the branch and why they work so hard day in and day out to build our team. Read on to learn more!

Can you share a bit about your professional background and journey to becoming a member of the leadership team?

Derick: Well, I started in shipping and receiving at a vendor, then moved into parts. I came onto the GreatWest Kenworth front counter in 2011 and when our manager at the time decided to retire after about nine years of learning the ropes, I stepped into the management role.

Thomas: I left home at 16 and joined the British Army as an electronic technician on tanks, worked my way up the ranks until I was a Sargent in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. I left the Army when my son was born and moved to Canada.  Worked in a rebuild shop until I was taken on as an apprentice HET at GreatWest Kenworth where I completed my apprenticeship and was then promoted to Foreman, Completed my Kenworth Master Technician training.

What leadership qualities do you value most and strive to embody?

Derick: I want to listen first, react after. Our team is the bread and butter of the success behind our business, so their ideas are important. They see things in a way a manger might not from behind the front lines and that means our customers are seeing the changes they need for the brand from the people who hear it directly. Our customers always come first, so that is always the priority for me when working as a group to serve the community better.

Thomas: I like to lead from the front. By that, I mean our team needs to see me doing anything I would expect them to be doing. From taking out the garbage to working under some dirty trucks, I’m not afraid to lead by example and I love to teach the younger techs in the shop all the tricks of the trade.

What do you find most rewarding about being part of the leadership group?

Derick: Hearing how good of a team I have and how helpful and friendly our dealership is.

Thomas: Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a man of few words. I love to talk. The best part is the interaction with the customers and seeing them happy with the work our team can do.

What advice do you have for someone aspiring to grow into leadership?

Derick: Always be open to the communication from your team. You learn from them just as much as they do from you!

Thomas: Put in the work. The senior managers will always see the attributes in you that they want in their manager positions.

How do you stay up to date with industry trends and best practices?

Derick: Online Training, Webinars, Conferences. There’s always more to learn!

Thomas: All the training Kenworth and GreatWest Kenworth has to offer and staying on the floor consistently to be engaged with our technicians! They see it every day, so sometimes I’m learning from them too.

What is up and coming that you’re excited about?

Derick: Our new line of parts! The GW Truck Parts offers quality parts at a great price. They’re available in Redcliff now! (Not a sales ad, but … kind of a sales ad)

Thomas: What he said. Our new parts line is great!

Are there any exciting things coming up for customer experience?

Derick: Yes! We’re hosting a Customer Appreciation Day on July 25th, 2024. Drinks, food, maybe some prizes. Be sure to pop by!

Thomas: Again… what he said. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone at our customer appreciation day!

What aspects of the GreatWest Kenworth culture makes being in your role enjoyable?

Derick: We have great group of people. It makes it easy to get along and work with one another.

Thomas: Knowing the team who works alongside me both in the shop and on the counters on a personal level. You know what makes them tick, you can tell when you need to step in and get involved to support them. Going for beer and wings also helps.

Can you share a specific example of a workplace initiative, policy, or practice that you believe sets this organization apart and makes it a great place to work for you as a leader?

Derick: Our annual parts and service manager meetings in Calgary gives us as a leadership team a great opportunity to really spend time together and grow as an organization whe

n all the different location management team can be together in person.

Thomas: Having a great team of managers company wide. Chances are, someone has seen the problem before you, so the company support makes it easy to reach out and learn from a more seasoned manager is a great resource for me. It helps me support my team.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Derick and Thomas! Gaining valuable insights into their role and experiences at GreatWest Kenworth. Stay tuned for future interviews with more of our talented team members!




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7202 98th Street
Clairmont, AB T8X 5B1

Fox Creek TRP Store, AB

204A Highway Avenue
Fox Creek, AB T0H 1P0

Red Deer, AB

6739 67th Ave.
Red Deer, AB T4P 1K3

Balzac, AB

292217 Prime Avenue
Balzac, AB T4B 2T3

Calgary, AB

5909 6 St. SE
Calgary, AB T2H 1L8

Medicine Hat | Redcliff, AB

1901 Broadway Ave. E.
Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0

Lethbridge, AB

3995 2nd Ave N.
Lethbridge, AB T1H 0C8

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